Welcome to the MSU ARC!
The first radio station at Michigan State University was established through the efforts of the Amateur Radio Club in 1919 using the call letters of 8YG – broadcasting weather reports and farm market prices.
In 1925 8YG became WKAR, the public broadcast station of Michigan State University, while a ham radio station was formed using the call letters 8XBU. In 1927 the call 8SH was issued to the amateur radio station. Today the MSU Amateur Radio Club operates W8SH and W8MSU from the campus in East Lansing.
Park Scholarship 2024
Congrats to the recipients of the Park Amateur Radio Scholarship for 2024, Norah KF8BRM and Brennan KE8JVZ! Robert, Ed, Mrs. Park, and the recipients met up in 2121 to celebrate and thank her for her generosity in supporting both students and the amateur radio hobby. If you’re a club member and interested in next year’s…
Collegiate QSO Party 2024
MSU recently entered the Collegiate QSO party and finished with a claimed total of 12,792! Special operating thanks to Ed W8EO, Brennan KE8JVZ and Greg KE8ZGS. When the final placement is announced after all other logs are collected, results will be posted on the site.
Station Rennovations
The W8SH antenna project is well underway at 2121! Charlie KE8ZRH, Zach, Apu, Brennan KE8JVZ, Ed W8EO and Jay NT0Y measured the conduit and cut the 1/2″ Heliax. The new runs will be about 150 feet from shack to the top of the tower. Al W8RXY will be by this week to connectorize one end…
Sparticipation 2024
This year’s event was a massive success. Thousands of students arrived at IM Field East and saw the MSU ARC table in action. Charlie KE8ZRH brought an eclectic collection of HTs, and Norah KF8BRM brought the banner, QSO cards, books, and more. Jay NT0Y brought an FT8 station with a 17 foot antenna and a…